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9:42pm 11-15-2017
I am shocked, disgusted, furious, and deeply saddened. You deserved so much better than the life you were given. I pray you are at peace now, Sylvia. I will never forget your name, or your story. Fly high.
12:51pm 08-05-2017
Darla Christopher
Sorry, not Slyvia, that angel is gone from this earth. Stephanie B. is the monster I referenced. Slyvia is on my mind.
12:49pm 08-05-2017
Darla Christopher
Where is the monster Sylvia; an article states it infects Florida, my home state. And, it TEACHES potential victims!
12:55pm 07-14-2017
You will not be forgotten, Sylvia. Rest in peace.
5:12pm 04-23-2017
Sylvia, what was done to you is one of the most sick things I've heard in my life. You deserved so much better. But know you're at Gods lovely arms, he will protect you forever my sweet angel.
6:51pm 02-11-2017
I discovered your case a few months ago. For a few days I had trouble sleeping. Normal people ended up seeing that it was "just" to hurt you so much. Healthy neighbors did not mind hearing your screams. I am very afraid that "they" could be any of us.
Sylvia, can you forgive mankind?
2:03am 01-21-2017
Evl Loty
Riperonnies Sylvia, you've been and will continue to be missed.
1:43am 11-20-2016
Andrea Thompson
You will live as long as your memory does, I do hope you are in a better place now and that all those who hurt you are being punished for their crimes
3:49pm 10-26-2016
Peter Brightman
Gone, but not forgotten. Never. "All the stars in the sky", i sang for you today with my guitar, dear Silvia Marie.
4:51pm 09-18-2016
This is Paula Baniszewski's (aka Paula Pace) current facebook page. We need to see to it that this disgusting thing is thrown back in prison and that the rest of her life is a nightmare!!

4:46pm 09-18-2016
I cannot stop thinking of you, Sylvia. I will never be the same having learned of this. I cry all the time. If you are out there and you are looking for a place you are loved, one is here! Fly here, right away! I wasn't around when these things happened, but I wish terribly that I could have been to save you from those disgusting people. Oh so many of us. We love you Sylvia! Please know this!
9:12am 08-11-2016
I am so affected by this story like all who hear and see it. I pray for those being abused right now. That people would be report suspicions. That children would know to fight back and to keep telling adults til one listens. That adults would protect and love the children around them. You are loved Sylvia. Sorry you didn't know this then. We failed you but I do believe God had and has you and it will be redeemed, your life of abuse in the end.
3:36pm 05-21-2016
I've only recently become aware of Sylvia's story via YouTube videos. Her whole ordeal has literally made me sick. I just can't understand how something like this could happen, all those people knew about it and nothing was done to help her.
Wherever you are Sylvia, I hope you are at peace and I hope you know how much you are loved and remembered by so many and how your story has changed the laws in Indiana regarding child abuse. This is your legacy and you will truly never die.
5:38pm 04-20-2016
Sylvia, rest in peace.. I wish I could turn back time, so I could save you and that things could have been different...
5:51pm 04-07-2016
Carol Allett
I am shocked and appalled having only just heard of this story. I am lost for words that this sort of treatment of a fellow human being can happen - let alone a child. What an indictment on society then and now that this behaviour is possible.
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